Yesterday, I found my code's bug about getting data from Oracle DB. I tested again and again, wasted my time so much, but I failured and fount the bug is good in another pc finally. So I gived up to sleep.
Today, I googled the bug, but I cannot get any useful information. I think it is maybe a problem from the os. Then I reinstall the Oracle, rebuild the circumstance, oh, my god, all is good. Damn, the Oracle itself have a problem.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
About the birth control pill
Today I read a text about the Gene therapy, there is a interesting sentence in the text.
" The birth control pill revolutionized sex by making it possible to have sexual relations without having children."
Monday, October 30, 2006
I am back!
I got my PC from my wife yesterday, so I will continued to write my blog for my life.
In my memory, the GFW have reopen the door of the, but today I find the door had been closed again.
I wanna to buy a dell's Inspiron 840m as my gift to my wife's birthday, but I hesitate to do it. If I buy it, I would have enough money to buy others.
To buy or not to buy, that is a question.
After all, I will buy something to her.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Oct 9, 2006
After my wedding, I get marriage really.
The marriage is one of the most important thing in my life, I think.
My Mother and father are very happy for their son.
My Mother-in-law and father-in-law are very happy for their daughter.
I and my wife are very happy for us.
I will fight for our future.