... the US must, over the next few years, develop a cadre of experienced, intensely knowledgeable people skilled in applying space to combat. We are talking about an entirely new breed of war fighters, who will ultimately transform the power and scope of warfighting in the same way airpower professionals have done in the last century.
-The Honorable Peter B. Teets
Former Acting Secretary of the Air Force,
Director of the National Reconnaissance Office,
and DOD Executive Agent for Space
Developing Airmen is an Air Force core competency, and the development of a space professional cadre is recognized as an enabling capability for employing integrated space capabilities that support the full spectrum of military operations. Space professional training and education instill space-mindedness, make space capabilities universally understood, accepted, and exploitable by joint forces, and create military and civilian space leaders with a stronger foundation in space employment and a greater understanding of space capabilities.
Space operators should be trained throughout their careers to integrate space across the range of military operations and during all phases of an operation. Continual training is crucial to maintain proficiency because space assets and their TTPs continually evolve. In concert with training, evaluation is key to identifying shortfalls and is a critical measure of training program effectiveness. Stringent standards of performance should be established to ensure space operators attain and maintain the high degree of proficiency required for mission success. Commanders at all levels should be involved with the training and evaluation of their personnel and should be confident they meet minimum standards before being certified mission ready.
Following training common to all space professionals, space operators initially become specialists in a specific area or system. However, the diverse nature of space operations dictates that, over time, they should gain knowledge and understanding of the broad spectrum of space operations. As their careers progress, space operators should move beyond technical knowledge of their core specialty areas and gain a more operational-level focus of air and space power. Ultimately, the Air Force needs Airmen who are space professionals and can articulate how space operations integrate into, contribute to, and improve military operations.
Exercises are conducted to achieve training objectives. For training to best prepare participants for actual requirements, exercises should be planned and conducted to resemble real operations as closely as possible. Space forces are no exception and should be realistically exercised to the full extent possible, consistent with operational requirements. To improve readiness, space forces should participate as a full partner with air and information assets in large-scale exercises overseas and in the US. Joint exercises in overseas locations provide realistic training for in-theater and deployable Air Force forces, and also allow other Services and allied military forces to gain valuable experience in integrating space capabilities. When it is impossible to meet mission requirements and take part in an exercise, high fidelity simulators should be used to present the correct "space picture" to participants.
Integrated Air, Space, and Information Test Range
There are several ranges and exercises that prepare Air Force forces for joint operations. As new space capabilities are developed, test ranges such as the space test and training range evaluate new capabilities prior to operational fielding. The development of an integrated test range for air, space, and information assets enables the Air Force to conduct enhanced testing, training, and exercises against potential adversary space force capabilities. It also integrates Air Force forces in an operational environment prior to real-world contingency operations. This training enhances the Air Force's ability to effectively integratecapabilities and produce the commander's desired effects.
Education broadens understanding of space's overall contribution to military operations and gives operators an appreciation of how their specific area of expertise impacts global and theater operations. Education is necessary to move space professionals beyond the tactical and technical focus of their day-to-day jobs and to assure the requisite level of technological skills necessary to sustain the space mission. Space education goes beyond individual service requirements and encompasses all organizations within the national security space environment.
Developmental Education (DE)
DE provides broad education appropriate for different points in an Airman's career as a space professional. These programs provide a perspective on the role of space power in military operations through study of such subjects as Air Force and joint doctrine. An understanding of these areas is critical for Airmen to effectively employ space power within a joint and coalition environment. DE also provides the opportunity for all Airmen to learn about the application of space in military operations.
Wargames are used for educating personnel and testing of new concepts of employment and organization. Because the United States has yet to meet a "space peer" in conflict, wargames continue to be aprimary means of assessing the potential doctrinal implications of the use of space systems. Wargames generate insights into the current and future uses of space in warfighting. This venue allows the US to test potential actions used by adversaries to attack our space capabilities. An important element in wargames is to demonstrate unanticipated consequences involved with future space capabilities including vulnerabilities, policy, and force structure concerns. Space forces should be modeled in a realistic fashion consistent with other military forces.
Red Teaming provides a capability to conduct vulnerability assessments used to prepare combat air forces, joint and allied forces for combat by providing challenging, realistic space threat replication, training, and feedback. Experiencing the tactics and capabilities adversaries may use against us will help ensure we maintain the space superiority we need to prevail in real world scenarios.
Experiments are used for evaluating operational concepts and new technologies. Through experiments, the Air Force gains knowledge about future systems technology and processes, spiral development of developing technology and processes, and rapid transition of proven technology and processes to the warfighter. Experimentation is fundamentally different from exercises. Exercises involve training all personnel in established processes on fielded systems. Combatant commanders are encouraged to conduct experiments to test new operating concepts. However, because experiments are designed to be repeated, desired system and process knowledge is gained. However, lessons learned should not be overstated given the carefully orchestrated nature of experiments.
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