Saturday, December 23, 2006

About Choices

Today I went home with my wife happily. My wife wanted me to have a bath, so I give her two choices: having a bath with me , or putting off until tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New Apartment,But Damn Furniture!

My company will distribute the new apartments to us. As one of the cadres, I will have the one fortunately. In the ladder, my position is the 69th, so I will be forced to buy the second-hand furniture that cost me 4.5k.

The administrative secretarys of Barracks Section will execute the shit policy, and get the money from my poor wallet. That apartment is good enough, but the furniture is second-hand and not worthy of teh price of 4.5k.

As the tail of the ladder, I have no more choice to select the apartment's position, maybe the first floor or the top floor.

After all, I will have one room for me , and share it with other. That is enough.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


each of us
fill out
children's programmes
in doubt
at least
royal charter
no other than
single out
above all

Friday, December 15, 2006


assist v. aid, help

serve n. Opening stroke or hit of the ball, v. tend to, attend; work, perform a duty or task; worship; function as; offer, present; fulfill a term (of punishment, military service, etc.); deliver, provide; mate with, service animals); make the opening hit, put the ball into play (sports)

thereby adv. by means of that, in that connection

competitive adj. involving competition; tending to compete,
desiring competition

enormously adv. immensely,
gigantically, hugely -

ensure v. make certain; guarantee; make secure

guarantee v. vouch for; give a guarantee; give a warranty;
promise, assure n. security; warranty; pledge; assurance

mercifully adv. pityingly;
; charitably; with mercy

inform v. communicate informational to, tell, apprise, notify;
tell on, betray; inspire; animate

excessively adv. in an extreme manner, immoderately, beyond
normal bounds

distinction n. difference, uniqueness; excellence; honor, mark of honor

advertising n. promotion, drawing attention to (generally in
order to sell goods or services); act of publicly announcing

confine v. limit, restrict;

confound v. amaze, stun, confuse, bewilder;
fail to discern a difference, mix up

merely adv. only, just, simply, purely

subtly adv. in a subtle manner

subtle adj. delicate; faint, elusive; implied; shrewd, astute;
sly, cunning

persuasive adj. intended to persuade, influential, convincing,

boring adj. not interesting, dull

personality n. character, disposition, identity

secure v. ensure, assure; obtain, procure; protect, defend;
fortify, strengthen; lock, fasten

deem v. suppose, believe, estimate

external adj. exterior, outer; outside n. outer part; exterior,

identify v.  recognize , show to be the same; sympathize,
relate, associate oneself with a particular cause or idea

journey v. travel, take a trip n. voyage, long trip; distance;
process of progressing from on point to another

signpost n. roadside post bearing a traffic sign; something
that serves as a guide

landmark n. distinctive or prominent object in a landscape
(often serves as a guide to travelers on land or sea); territorial marker;
building or site which have historical significance important event, turning
point ( in history)

promotion n. advancement, furthering, encouragement;
initiative, enterprise; aid, assistance; queening, exchange of a pawn for a
queen (Chess)

caution v. warn, notify of danger n. premonition, notice;
warning; carefulness

encounter v. meet by chance; face,
meet with (difficulties, hardship, etc) n chance meeting

casual adj. random,
accidental; superficial; temporary; informal n. temporary worker; soldier who is
temporarily stationed in a place

perceive v. feel, sense, be aware of; distinguish, discern;
see, behold

indecisive adj. unable to make a decision, hesitant, wavering;
not decided, having no certain conclusion; vague, unclear

timidity n. shyness

insecurity n. lack of self-confidence; fearfulness, anxiety;
riskiness; lack of stability

unavoidable adj. inescapable, not avoidable, inevitable

confront v. stand face to face;
put before; oppose; compare

overcome v. overpower; overwhelm;

cease v. stop, halt n. stop, halt,

trap v. capture, contain, snare n. device used for capturing;
device used for containing; snare; action which can capture; plumbing
arrangement for maintaining a fluid barrier to prevent the passage of sewage
gases; (Slang) mouth

fro adv. from, back

perceive v. feel, sense, be aware of; distinguish, discern;
see, behold

advocate n. defense counsel; attorney; supporter, follower,
proponent, champion in favor of , support; stand for, intercede for

formerly adv. previously; in the past, in former times, in
previous days

complicated adj. confusing, hard to understand, difficult;

resolve v. determine, decide; solve, find a solution; separate
into constituent parts n. firm decision, ruling; decisiveness, resoluteness,

mobility n. movability; ability to move; portability; agility;
ability to change

stable adj. steady, firm, fixed; lasting; dependable, faithful;
not susceptible to change n. structure in which hoses and other animals are
housed; racing establishment; race horsed belonging to a racing establishment v.
put in a stable

community n. people living in the same area; group of people
that live together; group of people that share common characteristics or

informal adj. unofficial, unceremonious; relaxed, casual, easy

available adj. ready for use; attainable; unoccupied valid

unconscious adj. not conscious;
senseless; unaware, unknowing; not directed by conscious thought, automatic,
involuntary, instinctive n. all the psychic material that is not available in
the immediate field of awareness

casual adj. random, accidental; superficial; temporary;
informal n. temporary worker; soldier who is temporarily stationed in a place

communication n. exchange of information or ideas; transfer,
passing along; letter, message

societal adj. of or pertaining to society, social

enormous adj. very large, immense, huge

stockpile v. accumulate goods for
future use n. supply of materials, materials that have been accumulated and set
aside for future use

relevant adj. pertinent, related, connected to the current

quantity n. amount, extent; measure, degree; large amount;
size, magnetite (Mathematics)

delivery n. transference;
distribution; birth; liberation; salvation

vast adj. large, enormous, huge

specific adj. suited to a
particular use or purpose; limited, peculiar to; special, unique; precise,
definite, particular; of or pertaining to a species( Biology) n. something
specific, something suited to a particular use or purpose; medical remedy suited
to a particular illness or disorder

bombard v. shell, bomb n. cannon that shot stone balls

reliable adj. credible, trustworthy, dependable

complexity n. intricacy, complicated quality

extent n. scope, range; size,

inherent adj. intrinsic, existing as a natural and integral
part, natural, inborn

offspring n.young, descendants, children; outcome

competition n. rivalry, act of competing against another;

profound adj. of great depth, fathomless; deep, not
superficial; intense, extreme; serious, sober n.deep sea, ocean

soak up take into oneself like a sponge takes up water

moral adj. ethical; virtuous; righteous; principled; conforming
to accepted standards; having integrity n. ethic; moralistic lesson; lesson;
moralistic principle

passion n. ardour, fervor; zeal, enthusiasm; fury; desire, lust

Passion n. suffering of
Jesus on the Cross; Biblical writings that list the sufferings of Jesus on the

Pheidippides hero of

Ancient Greece
, is the central figure in a myth which was the inspiration
for the modern sporting event, the


Rejoice v. be joyful, delight, be happy; make happy, gladden

By far by a large margin; very much

rare adj. uncommon, unusual; not thoroughly cooked (meat);
sparse, thinly distributed; excellent, fine

concentrate v. focus, pay attention; collect in one place; make
stronger, make more intense

disproportionate adj. unequal,
unbalanced, out of proportion, extreme

emphasis n. importance that is attached to something; accent or
stress that is placed on a word or words

merit v. be worthy of, be eligible for; deserve n. value;
character or accomplishment that commends praise; excellence; state of being
worthy of appreciation

desirable adj. worthwhile, worth
having; sexually attractive, appealing in a sexual manner; who arouses sexual

neither pron. not this and not that

either pron. one or the
other; one and the other adv. (Grammar) also, too, as well (used after a
negative clause: I won't either) adj. one of two conj. precedes two or more
coordinate words or phrases, either...or

preoccupation n. being lost in thought, being occupied with
meditations; obsession, fixation; thought that is constantly on one's mind;
previous appropriation, prior tenure or possession

lessen v. reduce, diminish, make less; decrease, become less

sure adv. certainly adj. certain; firm; confident; inevitable;
reliable; steady

consideration n. thoughtfulness, respectfulness; careful
attention; compensation, payment

sensitivity n. ability to perceive sensation; responsiveness;
delicateness, state of requiring special treatment or care; susceptibility to
outside influences; quality of being temperamental

sympathy n. affinity, understanding; compassion, pity, concern,
commiseration, empathy; approval

stock n. supply of goods, inventory; share, company's capital
divided into shares; livestock, farm animals; tree trunk, main stem of a plant;
lineage, ancestry; soup broth; handle, base v. maintain an inventory, supply
with goods; supply with livestock, provide with farm animals; store, accumulate,
set aside for future use adj. available on a regular basis; commonplace,
routine; employed to handle merchandise or goods; of or pertaining to livestock

subsequent adj. succeeding, following, ensuing, happening after

evidence n. proof, something which proves or disproves v. offer
proof, prove, show to be true

nevertheless adv. anyway, anyhow; still, all the same; however

occur v. happen, take place, transpire; come to mind, suggest

skilful adj. proficient, adept, skilled, expert; masterful,
performed with a high degree of skill; requiring special training or skill (also

performance n. show,
presentation; execution; act, deed; act of presenting an artistic work to an

recitation n. act of telling, act of recounting; act of
delivering a formal speech

dramatic adj. written as a drama, having the base of drama;
emotional, surprising, containing conflict

instance n. occurrence, occasion; example, illustration;
prosecution of a case (Law); (Archaic) urgency, pressing importance; (in object
oriented programming) specific object of a class (executable file) v. refer to a
case or occurrence to explain or prove a point; cite, mention, refer to as an

emotionally adv. in an emotional manner

relief n. easement, alleviation;
liberation, release; support provided to the needy; embossment, sculpture in
which the forms project outward from the surface; aid, assistance; person who
fills the role of another

anxiety n. fear, worry; eagerness

fade v. discolor, lose color;
become dim; wilt, wither; die out; bleach

orientation n. adjustment to surroundings; direction, tendency;
direction of printing, direction in which one can read text or see a picture
(Computers); turning toward the east

clue n. something which helps to solve a problem (piece of
information, object, etc.) v. hint, provide a clue

infer v. derive, conclude; guess, surmise; hint

duration n. period of time that something continues

offer v. suggest; tender, bid, propose a price; present, put
forward, submit; express (goodwill, intent, etc.); present or sacrifice as an
act of worship n. suggestion; proposal of a price, tender, bid; proposal of
marriage; expression of (goodwill, intent, etc.)

gross adj. inclusive, complete,
total; general; without deductions adj. large; coarse, crude, vulgar;
disgusting, offensive; obese, fat v. make or earn a total of (before taxes and
other expenses) n. 12 dozen, 144

adj. modern, current n. person living at about the
same time as another; person of about the same age as another

evolutionary adj. of or pertaining to evolution, developmental,
progressive, gradually changing

adaptive adj. capable of adapting; versatile

consequence n. result, outcome; importance

compensation n. recompense, repayment; something done to make
up for (a loss, deficiency or fault)

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I can get all deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives, then copy them to my LAN pc by a usbdisk.

Advanced Linux Technology is changed my life.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh! Ubuntu!

New OS, Beauty OS, stable OS=Ubuntu

She is a beauty with bright eyes and familiar face, and is so easy to be operated.

I have installed skype for communication , StarDict for reading, XMMS for music etc.
She have so much virtue that I can not use other OS in the day.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering

This morning, I saw an old man who was talking with my colleague when I was back office after reading. He was searching some papers from our library's paper-databases. Those papers was so  professional that I and my colleague thought he was not a common old professor.

After a little google, I found his photo, Oh,  he was really the Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering!

I had seen him about 5 years ago, but today his face had changed so that I couldn't identify him.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bad Luck at last week

All is bad, bad luck, bad leader, bed student, bad headquarters. Bitch!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lost in the match!

 Today I joined our team for the tug of war. Unluckily, we lost in two match and only got the 4th.

I think that the tug of war is a good game for a team, and it can let us cooperate for one target.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Legend of the Boiling-Frog is Just a Legend

The boiling frog story states that a frog can be boiled alive if the water is heated slowly enough - it is said that if a frog is placed in boilling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will never jump out.

Whit Gibbons says, "Although finding an answer that destroys an urban myth or a commonly held belief may disappoint some people, we are better off knowing the truth."

Just a urban myth again, beacuse the frog will jump out at about 30-40 C in every experiments, whether heated quickly or slowly.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bad Economist to China

"China may well become a bigger polluter than America, but persuading it to do something about climate change will be near impossible if America does not act first."

It is a prejudice to China!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Yesterday, I found my code's bug about getting data from Oracle DB. I tested again and again, wasted my time so much, but I failured and fount the bug is good in another pc finally. So I gived up to sleep.

Today, I googled the bug, but I cannot get any useful information. I think it is maybe  a problem from the os. Then I reinstall the Oracle, rebuild the circumstance, oh, my god, all is good. Damn, the Oracle itself have a problem.

About the birth control pill

Today I read a text about the Gene therapy, there is a interesting sentence in the text.

" The birth control pill revolutionized sex by making it possible to have sexual relations without having children."


Monday, October 30, 2006

I am back!

I got my PC from my wife yesterday, so I will continued to write my blog for my life.

In my memory, the GFW have reopen the door of the, but today I find the door had been closed again.

I wanna to buy a dell's Inspiron 840m as my gift to my wife's birthday, but I hesitate to do it. If I  buy it, I would have enough money to buy others.

To buy or not to buy, that is a question.

After all, I will buy something to her.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Oct 9, 2006

After my wedding, I get marriage really.

The marriage is one of the most important thing in my life, I think.

My Mother and father are very happy for their son.

My Mother-in-law and father-in-law are very happy for their daughter.

I and my wife are very happy for us.

I will fight for our future.

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Moon and Fresh Wind

Just a day at home, read a novel in the internet.

New think about myself, new Semester is goint to begin, how to trace my future road. 

Friday, August 18, 2006

How to use my ability and others' ability

Human resources is science, but it is art too. I want to find my future road to complete my idea. But what is my idea. I feel it is changing always. Maybe I am a comon man. I can change myself  only, not change any other people and things.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Get up at 6:50AM

Today we get up at 6:50AM. After my wife went to work at 7:10, I began to my blog at here by "Windows Live Writer", a very good tools for lazy bloggers.

I will breakfast at 7:50AM.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My lemon is driving

Today my lover has drived our first car at  the first time. It is a brilliant event.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

English Learning

Today, I stay at home alone. I feel lonely. I want to remember some English words for the Graduate Candidate Test.


This morning, I try to open Oh, it is showed, no more than banner by gfw. Just a shy.


Yesterday, I read the netfriends' dairy about the Typhoon SAOMAI. That is diffrent from the offical news. And when I queryed Southern Metropolis Daily, there were some fuzzy news about the the death toll(138 death 86 lost).

God bless the people in the typhoon.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Israel strikes deep in Lebanon

For 2 soldiers, Israeli troops began to attack Lebanon. The Israel's air force maybe have air superiority, but in the ground, Party of God may assault every Israel fighter.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The most Dirty Tech: The Great Firewall

As a chinese , I will fell shame for some which is of the same occupation, the great firewall is so dirty, shame to every chinese.

August 1st,2006

Today is August 1, 2006, PLA's 79th birthday. As the army created by the CCP, It protected People's Republic of China from the aggression and the rebellion.

As a Soldier, I know what is honor.
As a Officer I know what is my responsiblty.
As a Chinese, I know what I will fight for.

Monday, July 31, 2006

A Poem about Education

Dorothy Law Nolte

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with jealousy, he learns what envy is.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to be appreciative.
If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with recognition, he learns that it is good to have a goal.
If a child lives with sharing, he learns about generosity.
If a child lives with honesty and fairness, he learns what truth and justice are.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and in those about him.
If a child lives with friendliness, he learns that the world is a nice place in which to live.
If you live with serenity, your child will live with peace of mind.
With what is your child living?

Source: Canfield, J. & Wells, H. C. (1976). 100 ways to enhance self-concept in the classroom: A handbook for teachers and parents. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Pass through the Great Firewall to access my Blog!

From kenwong, I knew a new and simply way to access this blog.

My Blog's URL is

Who can tell me the Truth?

I live in the great world and in the great era, every day there are so many things happened. Since the newspaper , tv news and internet are born, we can get the latest news immediately. But in China, So many truths had been buried and changed by the Propoganda Deparemant and his self-sensorship.

Truth is so nearly close to me, but I can not catch it.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The First Thinking

I will remember today for my blogger's birthday!